For centuries, human beings have accepted an ending.
We built meaning around it.
We built religions around it.
We built civilizations around it.
Dont Die is a civilization-scale movement to build towards a new beginning.
~/server/dd > initiating dontdie protocol
user\server~ I want to join dontdie <
~/server/dd > Sending initiation video
user\server~ Request to join <
~/server/dd > State your intent.
user\server~ To serve and spread the philosophy of dontdie. <
~/server/dd > Initiated.
~> DON'T DIE. Our story is just beginning.
user\server~ WHAT IS THIS? <
~/server/dd > We are the front line of a new movement led by Bryan Johnson. Bryan shares his framework openly, and invites others to join him on a journey of radical longevity. He believes that it’s possible not just to live longer, but to do so with peak physical and mental health.
~/server/dd > Doing so requires rewriting stories we have been old at the most foundational levels of society.
The old story:
Death gives life meaning
Aging is unsolvable
Everything must end
The new story:
Life gives life meaning
Aging is a curable disease
We must experience the future
We embrace DONT DIE, not because we’re scared.
Not because we fear death.
~/server/dd > But because we love life. Because we want to witness the singularity.
~/server/dd > Because for the first time in human history, we can write our own story, down to the level of our biology.
~/server/dd > do you understand?
user\server~ Tell me more about the community <
This community is about opening up a future of possibilities more expansive than our imaginations are capable of grasping. Like Bryan Johnson says, to embrace a Zeroth Principle Future.
“Talent hits the target that no one else can (First Principles); Genius hits the target no one can see (Zeroth Principles).”
~> The process that created this endeavor.
user\server~ Tell me more... <
We are the first generation with an opportunity to experience:
The Singularity
The Stars
Optional death
~/server/dd > The coming decades will be defined by the radical evolution of non-human intelligence. If we do nothing, we will be left behind. The opportunity of our lifetime is to be this exciting future, to merge with the exponential.
~/server/dd > By automating our health, and eliminating self destructive behaviors, we can improve fast enough to merge into the singularity to come.